1. week 1
  2. week 2
  3. week 3
  4. week 4
  5. week 5
  6. week 6
  7. week 7
  8. week 8
  9. week 9
  10. week 10
  11. week 11
  12. week 12
  13. week 13

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Week 10:
  —3/22/09: Monday, 6:00pm
  —3/25/09: Wednesday, 9:00am & 12:30pm

Hi everybody, Overall, I have to say that I was quite happy with the work everyone did in this week's classes. The hallway drawing is not an easy one, but you all were pretty successful at it. You should be proud of your progress. I wasn't, however, all that happy with most of the homework. Please make sure that you read my instructions and try your best to follow them step-by-step. The homework for our class this week was supposed to have been a preparation for the hallway drawing. I daresay that you might have understood what we were doing in the hallway a little more if you all had done the homework. Nonetheless, hopefully you all are beginning to see the way artists measure things with their pencils, how big things are and what the angles are. You should continue this practice in the drawings that you do. Carter-

Week 10 files:

1 LINKclasswork in MS Word (.doc) format
2 LINKclasswork in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format
3 LINKhomework - MS Word (.doc) Instructions
4 LINKhomework - Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) Instructions

Week 1 files:

1 LINKhomework in MS Word (.doc) format
2 LINKhomework in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format

Week 2 files:

1 LINKclasswork in MS Word (.doc) format
2 LINKclasswork in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format
3 LINKhomework - MS Word (.doc) Instructions
4 LINKhomework - Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) Instructions
5 LINKhomework - Adobe Illustrator Graphic—this is the file that you should use in the last homework in the handout. It is an .AI file, but for some using PC computers, this file will download as a .PDF file. Don't worry, however, the .pdf file will open up in Illustrator just as well. Let me know if you have further questions or difficulties.

Week 3 files:

1 LINKclasswork in MS Word (.doc) format
2 LINKclasswork in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format
3 LINKhomework - MS Word (.doc) Instructions
4 LINKhomework - Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) Instructions
5 LINKhomework - Adobe Illustrator Graphic—this is the file that you should use in the last homework in the handout. It is an .AI file, but for some using PC computers, this file will download as a .PDF file. Don't worry, however, the .pdf file will open up in Illustrator just as well. Let me know if you have further questions or difficulties.

Week 4 files:

1 LINKclasswork in MS Word (.doc) format
2 LINKclasswork in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format
3 LINKhomework - MS Word (.doc) Instructions
4 LINKhomework - Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) Instructions
5 LINKhomework - Adobe Illustrator Graphic—this is the file that you should use in the last homework in the handout. It is an .AI file, but for some using PC computers, this file will download as a .PDF file. Don't worry, however, the .pdf file will open up in Illustrator just as well. Let me know if you have further questions or difficulties.

Week 5 files:

1 LINKclasswork in MS Word (.doc) format
2 LINKclasswork in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format
3 LINKhomework - MS Word (.doc) Instructions
4 LINKhomework - Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) Instructions
5 LINKhomework - Adobe Illustrator Graphic—this is the file that you should use in the last homework in the handout. It is an .AI file, but for some using PC computers, this file will download as a .PDF file. Don't worry, however, the .pdf file will open up in Illustrator just as well. Let me know if you have further questions or difficulties.

Week 6 files:

1 LINKclasswork in MS Word (.doc) format
2 LINK classwork in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format
3 LINKhomework - MS Word (.doc) Instructions
4 LINKhomework - Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) Instructions

Week 8 files:

1 LINKclasswork in MS Word (.doc) format
2 LINKclasswork in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format
3 LINKintroduction - Adobe Illustrator Graphic—this is the file that you should use in the first classwork in the handout. It is an .AI file, but for some using PC computers, this file will download as a .PDF file. Don't worry, however, the .pdf file will open up in Illustrator just as well. Let me know if you have further questions or difficulties.
4 LINKclasswork - Adobe Illustrator Graphic—this is the file that you should use in the last classwork in the handout. It is an .AI file, but for some using PC computers, this file will download as a .PDF file. Don't worry, however, the .pdf file will open up in Illustrator just as well. Let me know if you have further questions or difficulties.
5 LINKhomework - MS Word (.doc) Instructions
6 LINKhomework - Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) Instructions

Week 9 files:

1 LINKclasswork in MS Word (.doc) format
2 LINKclasswork in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format
3 LINKhomework - MS Word (.doc) Instructions
4 LINKhomework - Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) Instructions

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