1. week 1
  2. week 2
  3. week 3
  4. week 4
  5. week 5
  6. week 6
  7. week 7
  8. week 8
  9. week 9
  10. week 10
  11. week 11
  12. week 12
  13. week 13

Friday, October 10, 2008

Week 5:
  —10/13/08: Monday, 6:00pm
  —10/08/08: Wednesday, 9:00am & 12:30pm

Hi everybody,
Midterm Quiz Info
Some of you might know that my computer crashed on Monday of this week. Also, in an unrelated but just as annoying event, my USB drive got a virus and all of my school files were deleted. Fortunately, I had backed up my files in my computer, which is being repaired and which I should have back sometime today (Friday).     So, this note is to inform you of two things:
  1. there is a problem with viruses at TCI and that you should be extra careful. As soon as my computer is returned to me, I am going to back up my important files in TWO places. I advise you all to do the same;
  2. we are going to have a MIDTERM QUIZ in class next week over the keyboard shortcuts I have covered thus far.     As soon as I get my computer back I will post a study sheet, but until then you should study all the keyboard shortcuts for the tools in the toolbar that we have covered as well as the following: open—apple-O; new—apple-N; save—apple-S; print—apple-P; undo—apple-Z; copy—apple-C; cut—apple-X; paste—apple-V; paste-in-front—apple-F;
First, I'd like to say that I was VERY happy about the work that I saw in class this week. You all worked very hard and you did some nice work. The drawings that we did were not easy, but most of you ended up with some very nice things. Second, on the other hand, many of you have not done much homework and because of that I am worried about most of your grades. We have had 5 classes and 4 homeworks. Many of you have not even completed homework for any week at all. You know who you are, and you must get to work as it is piling up fast. Below you will see a box with the 5th week'sfiles and then below it, you will see a box with week 1, week 2, week 3 and week 4 files. To avoid confusion, if you are in my Wednesday classes, the class we had this past week was week 5. If you are in my Monday class, the class we had this past week was week 4. Let me know if you have any questions or need any help. Carter-

Week 5 files:

1 LINKclasswork in MS Word (.doc) format
2 LINKclasswork in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format
3 LINKhomework - MS Word (.doc) Instructions
4 LINKhomework - Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) Instructions
5 LINKhomework - Adobe Illustrator Graphic—this is the file that you should use in the last homework in the handout. It is an .AI file, but for some using PC computers, this file will download as a .PDF file. Don't worry, however, the .pdf file will open up in Illustrator just as well. Let me know if you have further questions or difficulties.

Week 1 files:

1 LINKhomework in MS Word (.doc) format
2 LINKhomework in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format

Week 2 files:

1 LINKclasswork in MS Word (.doc) format
2 LINKclasswork in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format
3 LINKhomework - MS Word (.doc) Instructions
4 LINKhomework - Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) Instructions
5 LINKhomework - Adobe Illustrator Graphic—this is the file that you should use in the last homework in the handout. It is an .AI file, but for some using PC computers, this file will download as a .PDF file. Don't worry, however, the .pdf file will open up in Illustrator just as well. Let me know if you have further questions or difficulties.

Week 3 files:

1 LINKclasswork in MS Word (.doc) format
2 LINKclasswork in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format
3 LINKhomework - MS Word (.doc) Instructions
4 LINKhomework - Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) Instructions
5 LINKhomework - Adobe Illustrator Graphic—this is the file that you should use in the last homework in the handout. It is an .AI file, but for some using PC computers, this file will download as a .PDF file. Don't worry, however, the .pdf file will open up in Illustrator just as well. Let me know if you have further questions or difficulties.

Week 4 files:

1 LINKclasswork in MS Word (.doc) format
2 LINKclasswork in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format
3 LINKhomework - MS Word (.doc) Instructions
4 LINKhomework - Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) Instructions
5 LINKhomework - Adobe Illustrator Graphic—this is the file that you should use in the last homework in the handout. It is an .AI file, but for some using PC computers, this file will download as a .PDF file. Don't worry, however, the .pdf file will open up in Illustrator just as well. Let me know if you have further questions or difficulties.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi , I just stopped by to pick up my and decided to say hi, you can check out my resource blog if you want to....

I might post again later if I have any questions...