1. week 1
  2. week 2
  3. week 3
  4. week 4
  5. week 5
  6. week 6
  7. week 7
  8. week 8
  9. week 9
  10. week 10
  11. week 11
  12. week 12
  13. week 13

Friday, August 1, 2008

Week 12:
 —07/28    Mon, 6pm
 —07/30    Wed, 9am & 12:30pm

Hi everybody, I was happy with the drawings that you everyone drew this week both by hand and in Flash. Those drawings were just a precursor to what we will be doing for homework this week which is to draw the proportions of the frontal view of a portrait of a person, and then to copy a portrait of a man drawn by Picasso. Next week we will be drawing actual portraits, so you might want to experiment with this also if you have extra time. Email me with any questions you have. Carter-

Week 12 files:

1a LINKclasswork—MS Word file
1b LINKclasswork—.pdf file
2a LINKhomework—MS Word file
2b LINKhomework—.pdf file

Week 1 files:

1 LINKclasswork
2 LINKhomework

Week 2 files:

1 LINKclasswork
2 LINKhomework - MS Word Instructions
3 LINKhomework - Adobe Illustrator Graphic

Week 3 files:

1 LINKclasswork
2 LINKhomework - MS Word Instructions
3 LINKhomework - Adobe Illustrator Graphic—

Week 4 files:

1 LINKclasswork
2 LINKhomework - MS Word Instructions
3 LINKhomework - Adobe Illustrator Graphic

Week 5 files:

1 LINKclasswork
2 LINKhomework - MS Word Instructions
3 LINKhomework - Adobe Illustrator Graphic

Week 6 files:

1 LINKclasswork
2 LINKhomework - MS Word Instructions

Week 7 files:

1 LINKclasswork
2 LINKclasswork - Adobe Illustrator file for the introductory exercise
3 LINKhomework - MS Word Instructions
4 LINKhomework - Adobe Illustrator file

Week 8 files:

1 LINKclasswork
2 LINKclasswork - Adobe Illustrator file for one of the classwork exercises (we worked on last week's homework in class)
3 LINKhomework - MS Word Instructions
4 LINKhomework - Adobe Illustrator file

Week 9 files:

1 LINKclasswork
2 LINKhomework - MS Word Instructions

Week 10 files:

1a LINKclasswork—MS Word file
1b LINKclasswork—.pdf file
2a LINKhomework—MS Word file
2b LINKhomework—.pdf file

Week 11 files:

1a LINKhomework—MS Word file
1b LINKhomework—.pdf file

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